June 2024
The UBC Internal Communications launched ‘Staff in focus’ – a new series highlighting our staff members and their work at the university.
The Strategy
Active listening was at the core of the evolution of this series. A focus group with UBC communicators inspired the creation of ‘Staff in focus,’ a dedicated platform celebrating the diverse staff members at UBC. Building on our successful ‘Teaching in focus’ and ‘Research in focus’ profiles for teachers and researchers, respectively, we responded to our colleagues’ feedback by developing this series. This initiative was launched with a dynamic multi-channel campaign across online, print, and digital signage, reaching even those colleagues who are not typically at their desks, demonstrating our commitment to creating a sense of community among staff members.
The Solution
We now have a vibrant platform where staff can spotlight their roles, highlight their unique talents, and share unique insights with the UBC community. This platform has become a powerful tool for uncovering and celebrating the diverse contributions of our staff community.
The Results
In the initial month after launching ‘Staff in focus’, we received a steady inflow of submissions from different Faculties and units across the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses, which will be shared via UBC Today in the coming months. This uptake highlights the excitement and enthusiasm to learn more about the outstanding staff members within the community, and our commitment to listen to feedback from our colleagues and create new ways to engage our audience.
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