Have something to communicate to faculty and staff at UBC?
There are a number of university-wide channels available to help you reach your audience. Which channel you use will depend on your communication goals, target audience, and message.
UBC’s central communication channels
Engaging UBC’s leadership
UBC Bulletin
UBC Bulletin acts as a channel for UBC’s senior leadership to inform and engage broader leadership at the university. UBC Bulletin may be used in a variety of circumstances such as communicating advance notice of university-wide initiatives to the broader community, research grant information and senior-level appointments/changes (Dean and AVP level).
Communicating high profile/time sensitive announcements
UBC Broadcast
UBC Broadcast is used by the university’s senior leadership to communicate time-sensitive, campus-wide messages to faculty and staff in Vancouver and the Okanagan. It may be used to communicate large scale announcements, executive appointments/changes at VP level, organizational changes and urgent campus safety updates.
Informing the UBC faculty and staff community
UBC Today
UBC Today is a dedicated website for faculty and staff, with a weekly update sent by email each Tuesday, highlighting a selection of what’s new that week. The weekly update provides a platform for significant announcements, as well as stories about the people who make up the UBC faculty and staff community.
Other campus-wide communication channels
UBC event calendars
If you want to spread the word about an event, consider promoting it via events.ubc.ca or events.ok.ubc.ca and tag for a faculty and staff audience.
Digital signage
If you have a message to communicate that is specific to location, consider using digital signage.
Faculty and Administrative Unit communication channels
Each Faculty and Administrative Unit has its own communication channels. If you are looking to communicate to specific groups of faculty and staff, you may wish to connect with your respective communications and/or marketing team.